Since 2002 Phase has been a key part of the Hitchin community with our focus being building the wellbeing and resilience of children and young people – our vision is to see them thrive! We may be the ones doing the face-to-face work however there are many others across Hitchin who support Phase to keep making a difference. They range from individuals doing a variety of things like making and selling jam, taking on fun, difficult and crazy challenges to local and national businesses choosing Phase as their charity partner.
Recently Kieran caught up with Michelle Hoskin, local mum, community supporter, campaigner and CEO of Standards International who have chosen to support Phase on an ongoing basis.

Michelle first came into contact with Phase through seeing our flyer at PureGym and also her daughter had been involved in some Phase activities at her primary school. The vision of Phase instantly resonated with Michelle and she got in contact to ask if Phase would like to be the charity of Hitchin Fireworks 2019?
Michelle said ‘I love what you do and what you’re about. Kids need this, it’s tough out there for them’. The fireworks event raised over £1500 and raised the profile of Phase within Hitchin, and we were able to expand our programme with year-6 children.

However, Michelle was not content with only this and wanted to do even more to support the work of Phase.
‘At Standards International, we run our global WOWW!™ Workshop™ programme aimed, at supporting the financial services community to be the best it can be, through focusing on building their wellbeing, resilience and mental health. As we all know, someone who is healthy in mind, body and soul can be the difference between living a good life and a WOWW!® life!’

Every time Standards International deliver their WOWW!® Workshops™ they make a generous donation to the work of Phase. ‘Giving is a key part of our organisational ethos and culture, we want to be people who make a difference’.
Kieran, Director of Phase said ‘Having the backing and support of businesses like Standards International is extremely encouraging and very important to the work of Phase. Our mission is to see all children and young people live life in all its fullness and we are passionate about making our programmes and projects free and easily accessible. The support Michelle and the Standards International team provide go towards making this hope a reality.
‘We are excited about the opportunities that are open to us with ongoing support from the Standards International team. COVID-19 has meant we have had to adapt our programmes to be virtual, the upside of this has meant we have grown our capabilities and it has provided more opportunities for people to volunteer from the comfort of their own home. Watch this space!’.
If you are a business looking to support a local charity that makes a difference in your community, we would welcome you on board. Check out our corporate sponsors section and contact Kieran for more information.
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