Hi, I’m Martha and I have recently become one of the trustees at Phase. I’m currently the leader of The Hub Church in Hitchin (where Phase is based) which is an Anglican ‘fresh expression’ of church. This means that we’re like a traditional church but look and feel a bit different. When I’m not being a vicar, I love to get outdoors with my dog and go for long walks. Or do anything that keeps me active, like playing netball or going for a run. Just don’t ask me to sit at a desk for too long. I also love going to the beach and luckily my parents live in Devon, so I go and visit them whenever it’s possible.

I grew up in Luton so have known Kieran for longer than I would like to admit and have been a great admirer of everything that Phase does from near the beginning. Then when I moved to Hitchin to work for The Hub, I was able to see first-hand the work that Phase does and the impact it has on the children in the local schools. As a church, we have been able to support them in lots of ways and see the work grow and develop.
In the past few years, I have helped with the school’s programmes and have loved seeing the young people have a great time but also have the opportunity to talk about some big topics in a safe way. There is so much of the work that Phase does that will impact the young people not just while they're at school, but also as they enter adulthood and beyond. And so much of this work wouldn’t be accessible for the young people in Hitchin if Phase wasn’t around. So, when Kieran asked if I’d like to be a trustee, I couldn’t say no. It feels like a great way that I can serve the team and help them continue the incredible work that they're doing already.
One of the perks of being a vicar is that I spend a lot of time talking and thinking about God with people. And I love helping people connect their faith with what is going on in their lives. When I think about how I can help as a trustee, I hope that I’ll be able to bring some of that into the discussions and decisions that the trustees have to make. And also to challenge the team to keep dreaming big and going where God might be calling us. Phase has already done so much good but I truly believe there is even more to come!!