I wonder what comes to mind when you hear the word learning? Maybe it’s education, reading or exams! Does learning bring you enjoyment?
Learning can take many different forms, from education, to developing a new skill, to challenging yourself to step out of your comfort zone. As a Phase team we have recently completed the Gallup Strengths Finder test. I discovered that my top strength is learner – I have always loved learning, finding out new information and having the opportunity to improve and learn more based on feedback.
To keep learning is one of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. When we keep learning it helps us to gain new knowledge, develop skills and have new experiences along the way! It enables us to keep our brains active and engaged!
Brian Herbert once said, ‘The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.’

To keep learning is a choice, and learning new skills has shown to improve our mental wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem. As we face those challenges that perhaps we thought we couldn’t do, we learn new skills and put them to good use. All of this helps us build a sense of purpose as we are able to use our newly learnt skills in our everyday lives.
Learning something new each day can be really good for our wellbeing, as it helps us view the world from a range of perspectives, makes it easier to adapt to new situations and inspires creativity within us (Mind Charity).
Over lockdown I have enjoyed being able to learn new things. I have enrolled onto an online course, discovered my love for baking again, trying out new recipes. I know others in the Phase Team have also enjoyed learning new skills throughout this time.
I wonder in what ways you could keep learning… what new skills you could try over the summer holidays...?
Some ideas could include learning to sew or knit, finding an online course, trying to learn a new language, or a musical instrument.

If you want some ideas why not check out a short video that we have created all around learning as part of our 5 Ways to Wellbeing Series.
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